The sad, cruel case of Terry Shiavo

Terry Shiavo, wife, and daughter... in that order... lies in a persistive vegetative state with no more ability to interact with the world around her than a carrot. She’s got the mental equivalent of boiled cabbage, people, no longer any more human than a corpse and only kept from that proper state of being by the selfish and cruel actions of her parents and their equally thoughtless supporters. Add to that dim witted mix grandstanding fundamentalist shit disturbers and glory hungry politicians who think that by circumventing the established rule of law they will be perceived as moralistic, feeling and compassionate people (when we all know that it’s just a scam on their part) and you have the cast of characters that make up this circus of the absurd. Does that sound cold and unfeeling? If it does, then you haven’t really thought things out, folks. The woman is GONE, people, Elvis has left the building, the lights are on and not only is no body home, but the tenant is long DEAD! And what if I’m wrong and she really is in there, unable to communicate and interact with the world in any meaningful way? Well, if that IS the case then that is all the more reason to allow her to die right now! And the one and ONLY person in this whole mess who is in any kind of a position to actually know how Terri would feel about being in this sad state is her husband Michael, not the greedy and selfish parents who would prolong her suffering just because it suits their needs.
And unlike her selfish parents and the dim witted masses who support those misguided fools, I know from whence I speak... For when I was just 3 years old I had a massive head injury that put me in much the same state. For almost 3 months I was fully conscious and trapped in a completely non-responsive body, hearing and understanding (as well as any 3 year old can) what is going on around me, but completely unable to interact with other people or with the world around me... And I’ll tell you this, it was HELL! The ONLY reason I recovered was because I was so very, very young. My brain was able to re-route things and learned to work around the destroyed areas because I was still growing. Unfortunately for Mrs. Schiavo that is not a possibility. No, for her this is as good as it gets... Cut off from life and living, trapped in that most inhumane of solitary confinements, by this time, if she really IS in there, probably completely insane and just waiting for the never ending torment to end. Unless you have walked in that dark country you can have no concept of just how horrendous it is to be there, but I can assure you it is every bit as bad as your worst nightmare only MANY of millions of times worse!
What makes this whole affair such a sad mess is that it’s just one more case of the religious minority bullying the majority of Americans, and with the help of their toadies in Congress bypassing the Constitution and forcing their religious view on others. It was exactly for this reason that our founding fathers made as sure as they could that there would be a wall of separation between religion and the political machine. Luckily for Michael and Terri Schiavo as well as the rest of us, these religious zealots and their ilk have been defeated at every turn by the one authority that the Constitution grants the power to do so, the courts. In every ruling, including the ones the Congress and the President illegally ordered, the courts have stood up for Mrs. Shiavo’s right to die with dignity as relayed by her husband... the only one in this in a position to know. They alone have had the courage to stand up to the Religious Reich... The only ones with the guts to tell them NO!
America is in real danger these days, sitting on the very brink of becoming a theocracy the likes of which and the evil of which this world has never before seen. There never was a majority of Afghanis who thought that a theocracy would be a good thing nor was there one in Iran either. But despite that lack of support the religious zealots gained control and anyone who thinks that it can’t happen here is a bigger fool than those who think that keeping Terri Schiavo alive is a good thing. And if America does fall into that political trap then God have mercy on us all. For if they were to make their deluded dream a reality then no one would be safe from them and the very substance of American life would vanish like water in a drought. If you want to kiss your freedom goodbye then just sit there and do nothing, you slavery will be assured. But if you really do value freedom then speak out against these fundamentalist fanatics and stand up for your public and religious freedom before it’s too late.
That's my opinion and you are welcome to it.
Julie Johnson aka “The Great Spoon“
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