Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The 1/2 Kracked Kup: GOVERNOR GIRLIEMAN GOVERNOR panders to the Religious Reich!

California’s Legislature makes history
California’s Governor vetoes it and
Tries to pretend it isn’t breaking

His promise. **sigh**
Do we all really look THAT stupid?

Today something truly unique happened in California, they passed a law making it legal for gays to marry. But that’s not the truly unique thing... What makes this truly unique is that California’s legislature is the very first one to do it without having been ordered by a court to do so! Sure, California’s high court did rule that California’s ban on same sex marriage violated California’s State Constitution, but the judge said he would wait a good long while before forcing the lawmakers to act on his ruling. Well before that time was up the passed today’s land mark bill, and even before the ink was dry on the Assemblymen’s signatures he vetoed it!

Now here’s the thing about that veto. Governor Girlieman said that he would not stand in the way of a gay marriage bill, when he needed OUR VOTED to get elected. More recently Governor Kindergarten-Kop said that only a vote by the people OR a decision ruled on by the court allowing gay marriage was allowable. HELLO GOVERNOR SHULTZ! THE COURTS HAVE BLOODY RULED IT ALREADY YOU STUPID AUS-NAZI-TRIAN BOZO! What the hell does he need? Oh wait, we KNOW what he needs. He needs a guarantee that the Religious Reich won’t run someone else against him. Seems the guy who SWORE he was just in it for the one term...just to “fix thing up”...has decided that the LIKES it in Sacramento.  Well, he AIN’T be the first one...and he sure as hell won’t be the last... But what he can’t seem to see is that with his numbers from the last 10 months, and the way they are going, THERE AIN’T NO WAY IN HELL HE COULD GET ELECTED DOG CATCHER! Just wait and watch... I don’t think even he has enough money to buy another term.

That’s my opinion and you’re welcome to it!