Friday, May 13, 2005

Limbaugh walks on his tongue some more.

Limbaugh walks on his tongue some more.
The 300+ lbs Cry Baby, Oxycotin
Junkie is Silent When Challenged
By High School Students to
Debate About WWII

While perusing this morning’s news I came upon this story (excerpted below) in the Chicago Sun-Times;

Teens seek debate vs. Limbaugh
May 13, 2005

BY KATE N. GROSSMAN Education Reporter

Rush Limbaugh said on his nationally syndicated radio show that Evanston Township High School students "don't know anything about World War II" and "they've probably never heard the name Adolf Hitler" because they're so focused on a multicultural curriculum.

Some Evanston kids want to show Limbaugh what they know. They want to debate him on American history.

"I think [a debate] would be great because then we'd prove him wrong and open up his opinion a little bit," Sarah Loeb, an ETHS sophomore, said Thursday....

Limbaugh railed against multicultural education generally and singled out the North Shore school.

"What multiculturalists is, is balkanizing this country," Limbaugh said Tuesday. "People are coming here from various parts of the world and they're bringing their cultures with them and the multiculturalists are saying 'your culture is better than the American culture. The American culture is discriminatory, it's racist, sexist, bigot, homophobic.' "

Limbaugh's producer did not return a call on whether Limbaugh would agree to a debate.

"Maybe he might be a little intimidated because I don't know his basis for saying we don't know anything," Sarah said. "But I think he might be interested if he wants to live up to his reputation and back up his ideas so he doesn't look stupid."

This is just the sort of thing I’ve come to expect from this over stuffed, over compensating wind-bag. It’s like every time the “Patriot” Act (WOW! Is that false advertising or what!) comes up in the news this ample representative of The Far Reich goes on and on about what a good thing The “Patriot” Act is and how “patriotic” (“I do not think he knows what that word means...”) it is to make the trade of of a “few rights” (I suppose we really don’t need them in his book) for the supposed security we get from the “Patriot” Act! But then when the provisions of that act, the Feds new ability to snoop into our medical records without a court order, is used against him to prove that he is a low-life multi prescription seeking Oxycotin junkie he cries “FOUL!” like a little girl who just lost all of her jacks to the mean girl down the street. Give me a break Rush! You can’t have it BOTH ways!

So c’mon Rush! Be a big boy! Show that you can act like an adult for once! Rather than sitting back and poking fun of a bunch of hard working high school kids then pretend they didn’t respond at all, why don’t you accept their challenge and debate them on their, and YOUR, knowledge of World War Two? Or are you afraid that they will humiliate you more that you have already humiliated yourself?

That's my opinion and you are welcome to it.

Julie Johnson aka “The Great Spoon“

NOTE: At the time of publication I still haven't been able to reach Mr. Lumbaugh with this challenge. It seems that the only way to get his email or any other addy for him is to pay a minimum of $6.99 for a subscription to his newsletter... as though the Pillsbury Doughboy isn't wealthy enough! I fir one refuse to pay extortion just to drop him a challenge and so I am attempting to go through other channels to get this to him. If you can help me in this effort I would be forever in your debt!


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