Monday, May 16, 2005

Most Likely....

If you are reading this "standard cut and paste" note it is most likely because you have already not seen me for several days and most likely will not see me for several more. The reason for this (in order of most likelihood) is most likely because I'm having either; (1.) a bad pain episode, usually caused by arthritis and/or reflex sympathetic dystrophy; (2.) a bad pain episode caused by having WAY too much fun and "over doing it" OR (3.) I am recovering from some Frankensteinian medical procedure such as having the bone of a cadaver grafted into my living tissues and/or having leeches and maggots attached to/put into my open wounds in a ghoulish attempt by some New Age witch doctor to cure me by magikal means! Just kidding about the New Age witch doctor of course! Wouldn't let one of those quacks touch me with a ten foot Pole! A 6'10" Romanian maybe, or perhaps a 7'6" Namibian... maybe even a 7'2" Yugoslavian, but NEVER a 10' Pole!

But take heart friends, I'll be back just as soon as I'm feeling better! In the mean time you can send your well wishes and death threats to Hope to see you soon!

Your Friend,


"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid,
but most stupid people are conservatives."
-- John Stuart Mill
(English philosopher)


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