The American Religious Reich
How I learned to Goose Step While Loving The Lord
I’ve been noticing a pattern in the Christian community of late. Not in the mainstream Christian community by any means, but in the small, loud fringe community that has, by their very loudness and cohesiveness, come to power in recent years. Because their actions are so very reminiscent of the actions and tactics and rhetoric of Hitler and his brown shirts I call them The Religious Reich, A bit of word play on Religious Right, but frighteningly close to the truth as you will see... So, that said, let's take a look at how the Religious Reich stacks up against the Nazism these days:
Lawrence Britt, a political scientist, wrote an article about fascism which appeared in Free Inquiry magazine -- a journal of humanist thought. Dr. Britt studied the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile). He found the regimes all had 14 things in common, and he calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism. The article is "Fascism Anyone?," Lawrence Britt, Free Inquiry , Spring 2003, page 20. My comments will be in the {curly brackets} following Dr. Britt's observations.
The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism by Dr. Lawrence Britt
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
{One certainly can't say that Nationalism is not on the rise! Flags fly EVERYWHERE!}
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
{One need look no farther than Guantanamo Bay and the so called "Patriot Act" for evidence of that.}
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
{"Islamic Terrorists"... need I say more?}
4. Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
{While record deficit spending is building up a National Debt that our great great great grand children will still be paying off military spending is still at embarrassingly high levels. Especially when you consider that ALL other governments INCLUDING our traditional enemies have CUT their military spending by 50% or MORE! Source: Peace Action}
5. Rampant Sexism - The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homo-sexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
{The Religious Reich is fighting to overturn the gains both gays and women have made in the areas of equal employment and having their specific health needs met. Also the battle over Roe v. Wade and the fight over Equal Marriage has heated up in the last 2 yeas as well so yes, they are encouraging rampant sexism!}
6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
{I have many friends in the media who are sometimes afraid to report on stories that might anger the Religious Reich. I would call that indirect control.}
7. Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
{I don't recall a single "Green" or "Yellow" alert day in the last 2 years, do you? I DO recall a good many news stories straight from the Office of Homeland Security about this potential terrorist threat or that potential terrorist threat that never materialized though.}
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.
{Just this weekend we had a GLARING example of just how the Repugnican Party has become entangled with the Religious Reich in the form of that broadcast that DeLay and Frist and other Repugnican leaders made through Dobson's Family Research Council's network that was broadcast to thousands of churches nationwide! It's nigh on impossible to tell the difference between a Republican Party Plank and a Fundamentalist Christian Minister's religious edict these days!)
9. Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
{How many times have we seen this? From Enron to Bechtel industrial and business aristocracy are untouchable!}
10. Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
{Just look at how the power of the unions have been gutted in the past few years. No longer does the worker have the power of a strong union to organize against the huge corporations in order to get wages that keep up with inflation and the standard of living. Worse yet the government has demonized the unions much like it did at the turn of the 20th century.}
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
{I see this every day. These "hit or missives" get forwarded to a wide variety of people. Often I get back comments calling me an "anti-Christian intellectual bigot" and an "over educated idiot" to name but a few. The disdain these people have for the educated is quite honestly frightening!}
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
{OH YEA! Even though the FBI reports that crimes have been DOWN for the last 4 years all you hear from them is "get tough on crime" talk and how "the criminal has more rights than the victim". Part of that rhetoric is the whole "get tough on drugs" nonsense that expresses itself in making it harder for those with a legitimate need for the pain killers to get the medications they so desperately need! every year hundreds of chronic pain patients take their own lives because they can no longer stand having to wait to receive the drugs that will ease their pain. Why? So some politician can say he's "tough on drugs".}
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
{Just look at all of Bush's buddies that have followed him to the White House. Look at Frist, he's got his whole family on the payroll! DeLay as well! Ditto McCain, Feinstein, and everyone else in Washington! You'd think it was some kind of public trough for politicians for God's sake!!}
14. Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.
{The last election was just about as close to fraudulent as you can get without being able to make a case! Too few voting machines in the heavily Democratic precincts while in the mostly Republican strongholds they had machines that never got used! And just who decided where the machines were sent? A Republican. Then there were the smears... GEEBUS! NO ONE knows how to run a smear campaign like a Repugnican! They practically invented it! And let's not even talk about the monkey fuck of an election before that!}
So all in all the Religious Reich and the Repugnican Party get 14 out of 14... a perfect score! If it smells like a duck and it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck I don't have to see it swim to be sure it's a duck.
That's my opinion and you are welcome to it.
Julie Johnson aka “The Great Spoon“
Will do Elaine! I don't mind admitting that I'm a whore for readership! And thank you for your compliment!
-love your straightforward analysis and setup to Britt, with whom I'm familiar.
reich is right! (no pun intended)
I thank you Planet P! I just calls 'em likes I sees 'em! And when they can rack up a perfect q4 out of 14 without my having to even dig for any answers well... it was shooting the proverbial fish in the proverbial barrell! Hope to see you back here soon!
It's easy to snipe and run Chad. Why don't you come back here and lay out your defense instead rather than using the typical fascist tactic of the snipe and run?
I liked your post and share the same fears as you do. It's amazing to watch a public speaker and say anything, ludicrous or coherent, then say "God Bless America" and have the crowd right with him.
To add to your list:
#5: Sexism - Read the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message, the so-called Baptist Creed (Baptists don't believe in creeds, so if you don't call it one, apparently it isn't.) Read the part where the role of pastor is limited to only men, based on Scripture... despite several verses that would seem to disagree with them. (link)
By the way, missionaries had to sign this in order to keep their jobs. Nope, not sexist nor a creed.
#7: The question has been floating around the blogosphere of "how many terror alerts have occured after the election?" An argument can be made for both sides, but if you're on the side of not blindly trusting authority, it creates skepticism. Just more salvo.
#11: Ann Coulter's crazy rantings against college professors as a whole. (link)
I'm scared for our nation as the word "fascism" gets more attention. I remember my father telling me that the "downfall of this country will be because of a lack of family values".
I'm afraid the downfall will be by folks masked as Christians trying to impose their narrow view of family values. By using the power of the government they may just cause the nation to implode on itself as we move farther from the spirit of the Constitution.
Again, for a great example of legislating morals, I point to the resounding success of Prohibition.
Whatever happened to the government just leaving us alone? Geez, I sound like a Puritan in 17th century Anglican-dominated England jonesing for America.
Thank you Nathan! Unlike Chad I see you actually read more than just the title! The 1/2 Kracked Kup began life as a newsletter some 5 years ago, and still enjoys a fair subscribership. In that time I've covered quite a range of topics from the silly to the sublime (I wonder how many people who use that word actuality know what it means?), but few articles have generated more ANGRY email than this one! :^) The single OBVIOUS common denominator of all of those angry emails is that not a one of the authors had gotten beyond the title of the piece and read so much as the first sentence!
As I told Chad, it does not matter if fascism comes under the guise of economic reform (as in Argentina) or as law enforcement and governmental reform (as in Chile) or as a religious movement as it is here, fascism is still fascism.
And as you said the whole "Family Values" ruse is absurd! Here in California we recently defeated two attempt to codify bigotry in the form of changes to our State Constitution (see Yet Another Blow For Justice OR Why I'm Proud To Be A Californian! for the details) that were sponsored by that outside agitator and supporter of domestic terrorism James Dobson and his front group The Family Values Coalition. After getting TWO black eyes that day he held a press conference... only 3 reporters showed up, one from Fox, one from one of Murdox's other "news" outlets and one from World Nut Daily! LOL! It seems the rest were over at the press conference being held by Equality California (my wife Andrea and I were 2 of the 4 founders of Marriage Equality California, one of the core groups that became EQCA)!
Dobson called his legislation the "California Protection of Marriage Amendment" and promised that it would "protect both heterosexual AND homosexual families". Now maybe it's just me but... just HOW would taking all the rights that gay couples in California have received by having the most INCLUSIVE domestic partnership legislation in the country AWAY help gay families? Can you explain how this would help me and my partner and our children? Hmmmm? Even if it would just help straight families I might be able to get behind it... but I just can see how it would help them either!
Am I missing something here Nathan? Is there some "Family Value" in discrimination that is beneficial that I'm missing? The only one I'm seeing is HATE! Is HATE a "Christian Family Value" now? Is there some passage in the Bible that I've missed that says it's OK to hate families that are different than the "norm"? If so, then can I hate single mothers who have never been wed? How about interracial couples? They were the ones that the Religious Right were using the very SAME arguments that they use against us in the 30's and 40's so can I hate them now? Please Nathan, if you can help me understand these questions I'd REALLY appreciate it!
Chad, it's 23 minutes PASSED time for my pain meds. Between arthritis and reflex sympathetic dystrophy it's not good for me to miss a dose OR over do (as I have been lately) I promise that I will be back later on today to answer you! Just be a little patient, OK?
OH, It's OK to call me Jody or anything else, just don't call me EITHER a conservative OR a liberal... I'm a Radical Moderate damn it! Ya know, we need a better term for that political position... moderate sounds too namby-pamby, like we can't make up our mind! :^)
Oh Nathan! The sarcasm was not directed at you my friend but at the small minority group I call the Religious Reich.
Good for you, Julie. I see extreme religious fundamentalism as a kind of cancer. If it's not recognised and tackled appropriately and quickly enough, well ................ !!
I appreciate a healthy dose of sarcasm as that seems to be a healthy antidote from all the heavy issues of the day. :) I do thank you for not labeling me as part of the "wrong people" for I chafe a little at that. :)
One of my wife's professors at Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond related his first experience coming to America. He was the son of career missionaries in Brazil and they only periodically came back to the states to visit friends and families.
He was shocked to go to various churches and see the American flag in sanctuaries. They simply didn't do that in Brazil with their country's flag. Within the Christian community here, that's a no-brainer. That distinction says it all about where we are at in this nation.
I've watched many a preacher on television espouse his radical views and every now and then get the crowd on their feet with "God is the Almighty and Jesus is Lord!". I've also seen similar things at patriotic rallies where a politician rattles off his agenda and then gets everyone stirred up with shouts of "America is number 1" or whatever. It doesn't matter if the crowd agreed with him - appeal to the nation's symbols and history and get everyone on-board. That mass mentality can be easily and has been manipulated by both political leaders and religious figures of all stripes. Lately it's the Religious Right who are taking advantage of such tactics.
Now with the two realms being blurred, such as the case at the East Waynesville Baptist Church in North Carolina, I fear for our country and the direction dominionists have hijacked it in.
I'll sit here and debate anyone on such topics as abortion and what the definition of family values is all day. Yes the Bible shapes what I believe, but let me come to those conclusions myself and don't tell me how to read Scripture. What I won't tolerate is someone saying "you either believe exactly what I believe or you're going to hell". I also won't tolerate people who believe the government is the only vehicle of reform and the savior of society's values. President Bush only gave lip-service to "Faith Based" charities but has been a figure-head for the James Dobsons of the country seeking to legislate their view of morality.
Our political discourse in this country is no more. It's now black and white, right vs wrong, good vs evil, us vs them. I don't subscribe to that. I believe that the truth is usually in the middle. Unfortunately, truth and facts get drowned out by the loudest and most organized group.
As for educating myself and getting more knowledge as to what's going on, I'm going to this forum tonight about faith and politics about race. I also want to begin research on the beginnings of fundamentalism, or at least the current brand of it. You mentioned inter-racial families being condemned in the 30s and 40s... I'm also interested in Christian responses to Civil Rights, slavery, and other forms of exploitation not necessarily tied to race.
Further, I want to test a hypothesis that I have: the condemnation of both inter-racial marriages and civil rights (plus others that I haven't found) by Christians in the mid-20th century led to the "social decay" that many Christians hope to eradicate today. I wonder if many people were simply turned off by religion's moral contradictions and simply left the church. Did we Christians, as a whole, dig the hole we are trying to get out of? Jim Wallis's (author of God's Politics - Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It) personal experience seems to give credence to this theory.
One of these days I'll get into the books and research papers... It's that whole "time" thing... not enough of it... :)
Oh, Great Spoon, may I tackle the Chadisms?
1) Guilty as charged. I am patriotic and like to see our nation's flag displayed.
Patriotism is different than jingoism. A flag in front of a building or inside at a ceremony, properly displayed in accordance with flag etiquette, is patriotism. A flag pin, flag patch, flag bumpersticker, flag on a car window in violation of flag code, flag tattoo, flag clothing, flag paper plates, flags in advertising, and football-field-sized flags held horizontally are jingoism
2) As for human rights, I have written extensively on Darfur and am extremely concerned with the genocide going on over there. I also I am gravely concerned for the lives of unborn children which are casually discarded in this country.
Yes, a voluntary medical procedure undertaken by millions of women to terminate their pregnancies and abort non-viable fetuses, many of which are still merely undifferentiated balls of cells is completely similar to extraordinary rendition, murder, rape, sodomization, waterboarding, feces-smearing, forced positioning, fake electrocuting, and physical abuse of actually-born living adult detainees at Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib. Similar like homosexuality and man-on-dog sex are similar, or similar like "activist" judges are a danger akin to 9/11 terrorists or the Civil War.
And perhaps if we weren't bogged down in Iraq, we could do something about Darfur. Though I doubt it; I understand there's no oil there.
3) I do believe Islamic terrorists both exist and are a threat. Do you disagree?
No. But I probably disagree about the threat level. 3,000 people lost their lives on 9/11, that's a little more than 1/1000% of our population killed by Islamic terrorists in the span of nearly five years. In that same span, the same number of people died from overdoses of aspirin. So I don't think the threat is something requiring the sacrifice of most our civil liberties and good standing in the world.
4) You are correct in assuming that I don't believe we should dismantle our miliary in order to fund domestic programs. Though I don't glamorize our soldiers, I greatly admire their sacrifice.
How many pieces of Humvee armor can you buy with a $72 million dollar bonus paid to Halliburton? A strong effective military doesn't necessarily require more money, it requires the money it has to be spent correctly and the leaders running it to configure it for 21st century threats, not Cold War threats.
Thanks for admiring my sacrifice, though. Where and when was it that you served, by the way?
5) Hmmm... Not sure I get how concern about rampant divorce rates and abortion-on-demand are indicators of "rampant sexism".
Hmmm... where are most of the rampant divorce and abortions occurring in this country? Hypocrisy, thy state's color is crimson.
As a stereotypically statistically-average married straight middle-aged white male, I may not be the best to speak on sexism. Let me offer up "Christian pharmacists using 'conscience clauses' to deny birth control prescriptions to women" and leave it at that.
6) Wow. So it's the RIGHT that controls the media. That's a new one.
Yeah, that's ridiculous. Everyone knows that the massive multinational megacorps like AOL Time Warner, Disney, Bertelsmann AG, Viacom, NewsCorp, and Vivendi Universal are pie-in-the-sky, commie-symp, fight-for-the-little-guy, pinko leftie, Che Guevera-lovin' liberals who have ruthlessly dug up and relentlessly exposed every nitpicky piece of dirt on George W. Bush and Tom DeLay, while ignoring the atrocious, war-crimes-level misconduct of former President Clinton.
7) Would you prefer if there were no national security? Should we revert back to a pre-9/ll complacency?
News flash: there is no real national security. Plane cargo holds still go uninspected. Chemical and nuclear plants are absurdly lacking in security. Our ports are grossly unprotected.
Pre-9/11 complacency - you mean in August 2001 when Bush was ignoring PDB's? Or January 2001 when incoming NatSec Advisor Kindasleezzy Lies was ignoring warnings that terrorism and Osama bin Laden would be the #1 concern?
Or are you talking about the complacency before that when the Clinton Admin was foiling the millennium bomb plot and addressing genocide in Kosovo without the loss of a single American life? That magical time not so long ago when we had a government budget surplus and American lives lost due to Islamic terrorism in the decade was less than those lost due to Tim McVeigh terrorism in the decade.
8) Oh, right. I'm glad to see from your insinuation that the left is beholden to absolutely no special interests.
You're considering religion a "special interest"? Strange, my Constitution makes no prohibition against government influenced by special interests... except that particular one.
"The only difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Democrats are beholden to a slightly-less scary group of special interests." -- Dennis Miller (back when he was funny)
9) Ditto for #8 above. That's politics not fascism.
Then you misunderstand both terms. Politics is people electing leaders and people held to account to law. Fascism is Diebold & ES&S electing leaders, a cabinet full of corporate cronies runing the agencies that regulate their own industry, and corporations never held to account to law.
10) Labor power needs to be curtailed sometimes. Unless you think the disaster in the airline industry is a model of successful business practice.
In forty years, CEO pay has risen from 40x the average worker salary to 555x. Real wages and benefits have been on the decline for decades. People working "full-time" are on food stamps and Medicare. Corporate power needs to be restrained sometimes, unless you think the Walmartization of America is a model of healthy corporate practice.
11) You're correct that some extremists on the right (fundamentalists) espouse an anti-intellectual attitude. I have been railing about this for a while now.
Good. Then I should expect illogical, ignorant statements comparing fetuses to babies to stop any time now. Kansas will teach science in its science classes. Kids will get reality-based sex education. Thank you for railing.
12) I, too, am concerned that too many pedophiles and rapist pigs get off the hook with only a slap on the wrist.
So you're very concerned that the average person in federal prison for marijuana charges serves more time than your average rapist, murderer, or burglar? Excellent, there's hope for you yet.
The #12 point has to do with gestapo tactics in law enforcement and the people's willingness to abandon their civil liberties in a climate of fear, not whether we're tough enough on rapists. A true conservative would be appalled at unPATRIOTic ACT liberalization of wiretap, search & seizure, and evidentiary procedures available to federal law enforcement.
13) For a plethora of examples in corruption, look no further than the Clinton White House. It's unfortunate, but inevitable, in any administration.
Let's have that battle! Let's play Clinton vs. Bush Scandalpalooza! I'll even spot you the $40 million
two-year inquiry that uncovered a consensual blowjob and the lie about not having "sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."
14) Sounds like whining to me. No one likes a sore loser, Julie.
And no one likes having two presidential elections stolen in a democracy, Chad.
Here's the thing - if we are really sore losers, prove it. Bring out all the receipts from those electronic voting machines and count them for us in front of our wild-conspiracy-filled eyes. What's that? Oh, there are no receipts? That's going to make proof a bit sticky, ain't it?
Since 1948 when scientific exit polling began, no election has ever tilted past the expected margin of error. In 2000, the margin of error held true and correctly showed Gore receiving the most votes. In 2004, the margin of error was broken ten times, in ten swing states, all in favor of George W. Bush.
In 2000, the election process in the pivotal swing state of Florida was governed by the state chair of the Bush campaign. In 2004, the election process in the pivotal swing state of Ohio was governed by the state chair of the Bush campaign.
When we lose an election with paper, hand-counted ballots, transparent counting of the votes, non-partisan Secretaries of State, and poor urban folks getting through the voting lines faster than the rich suburban people, then I'll not be sore. Until then, I will NEVER FORGET and NEVER STOP BITCHING about it.
"We don't hate America. We just want it back from the cretins who've stolen it." -- Bill Maher
Hi Everyone! Sorry I didn't make it back yesterday, but I'd let my pain go till it was too late to easily controlled and by the time I did have it under control my wife was home from work and it was "Our Time". Nothing interferes with Our Time. It a big part of what keeps us such a tight and loving couple... well, it sure isn't the sex! LOL! That went out the window when the RSD began about 3 years ago and I ended up in the wheel chair!
So, I'll begin with Chad...
From what I see from your answers, you do not see yourself not fitting at least 3 of the criteria. Then you don't qualify as a Nazi, so I have to ask why are you being so defensive of the tiny, loud minority I call the Religious Reich lead by DeLay and Frist and Falwell and Dobson? Why do you feel the need to defend these un-American men who are espousing such unConstitutional and unPatriotic ideals?
Thomas Jefferson, one of THE most brilliant men of his or any other period of history said this about the document he helped to write:
"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people
which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,'thus building a wall of separation between church and State."
-- Letter to Danbury Baptist Association
And justin case that is not enough to convince you of his feeling on the matter:
"Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of
Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced
one inch towards uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion?
To make half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites."
--Thomas Jefferson
"The clergy, by getting themselves established by law and engrafted
into the machine of government, have been a formidable engine against
the civil and religious rights of man."
--Thomas Jefferson
Can you tell that I'm a BIG fan of Jefferson?
The only explicit mention of religion is the article VI declaration that 'no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.' Otherwise, the Constitution is wholly concerned with the secular issues of defining federal power, and distributing that power among the various branches of government.
Contrary to popular belief the phrase "So help me God" is not required by the Constitution; it is a voluntary practice initiated by later presidents, much like the the phrase "In God we trust" on our money which was put there in the 1950's by those in fear of the Joe MacCarthy & the "Un-American Activities Committee" hearings. Quite possibly the most un-American period of Governmental history prior to today.
But Jefferson aside there are some parts of your answer I'd like to address directly:
#3. Sure, Islamic Terrorists are a real threat, but how are tanks and thousands of soldiers going to combat terrorists who's weapons are cars stuffed with explosives made from fertilizer? And what good are submarines and battleships against people who have their HQ in downtown restaurants suburban apartments? And how will having thousands and thousands of Marines stationed all over the Middle East going to stop terrorists coming into our country and blending into our population? Wouldn't have the money been better spent on... oh.. say intelligence services that work?
#4. Since our over blown military is (even by our own former chiefs of staff opinions) drain on our already ruined economy (and don't give me that hooey about"the economy is recovering. We still have a MONSTER deficit. It's not) it would be prudent to put money back into social services that help promote the social good. For one thing, return moneys taken from the Social Security Trust rather than embark on hair brained schemes to "privatize" (code for grab more) SSI and SSA. I'm 51, I'd like to think that we'll have something there in our golden years!
#5 When you are talking about denying a woman's choice of whether or not to have a baby or not that IS sexism... ESPECIALLY when it's the Religious Reich that is interfering with proper sex education (in areas where "abstinence only" programs are in place completely inaccurate information is given about condom reliability, other barrier reliability and hormonal reliability and side effects. In short, they LIE!) AND with the distribution and availability of contraception then yes, that DEFINITELY IS sexism! The same attitude behind those approaches to sex-ed and contraception are the very same attitudes behind "keep her bare foot and pregnant". I know, I hear James Kennedy say it on the 700Club just last week (not in those exact words, he said "woman's place is to serve her husband and to make children" same thing)!
Oh, and before you go off on me, I could NEVER even consider having an abortion! Nope! Not me! Both of my daughters were happy accidents! But the idea of abortion never entered the picture! By the same token I could never deny another woman her free choice in the matter. For without free choice, the fact that she carries the child to term, ESPECIALLY IF IT IS AGAINST HER WILL is not only meaningless, but it violates the Gods plan as I see it.
We have been given the burden of being faced with that choice in this day and age, it is how we choose and why we make our choices that is the test. If you in your ARROGANCE try to stand in for GOD and remove a woman's choice then you have interfered in what God has set forth for modern woman.
When you say "abortion on demand" you make it sound frivolous, like a woman wakes up and says to herself "Gee, I think I'll go shopping for some shoes today, and I need to pick up the dry cleaning. And HEY! I know what will eat up a few hours! I'll get an abortion this afternoon!" Well, it just isn't that way.
I've know many women who have considered having an abortion. Some have decided not to go through with it, others have decided to have the procedure. Every one of them... every single one of them struggled with the decision! NONE of them made it "off the cuff", and none of them were using abortion as a regular means of contraception.
Of the 11 women I can clearly remember it broke down like this:
4 used 2 barrier forms that failed. In all 4 cases they could not take the pills because they reacted badly to the hormones. For various reasons having a child at that point in their life would not be a good thing, in most cases for the child.
4 used the pill or implants that failed and one used an IUD. In all 4 cases their doctors recommend that they not go through with the pregnancy, though there was a good chance (except for the woman with the IUD) of a normal pregnancy they decided not to take the chance.
One fell for the old "Oh Baby, don't worry! I've had a vasectomy!" line. When the fellow was told about her being preggers he vanished like a magician's assistant after stepping into a magic cabinet.
The last one was a young virgin who had been raped. For her there was no long struggle... she wanted that thing out her just as quickly as possible. For her it was a terrible reminder of the horror of what had happened to her.
No Chad, it's not frivolous decision.
#6 Don't be absurd Chad. When I talk about my reporter friends some work for a Fox affiliate. Even there they are deathly afraid that if they say the wrong thing about the wrong Right winger they will get fired! Same with friends of mine on the staff of the NY Times and the Washington Times. The left has no such hold on the media.
The Cato Institute (hardly a leftist organization) recently released a report on the absurdity of the claims that the press is "leftist controlled" they in fact showed that because of the current faddish popularity of the right wing between the 30-45 year olds that the consumer dollar is in fact in the hands of the conservative consumer. It would be fiscal suicide for the media to court the left exclusively.
#7 Please, leave the hyperbole for your readers. Of course I want national security. What makes you think I don't? However the current obsession with national security is nothing but a smoke screen to distract the public from what should be the real issues: the economy (especially the deficit), Bush's absolute FAILURE in Iraq (can you say Vietnam? I knew ya could), not to mention Bush's failed "No Child Left Behind", The so called "Patriot" Act that has taken away or rights burt failed to deliver a single terrorist or plot and the list goes on and on.
With #8 you completely side stepped the issue. The question is:
"Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions."
It is not about a party "being beholden" to someone. The question is very specific and for a reason, the reason being (as stated) that Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Is that too difficult for you to understand?
#9 Corporate Power is protected is NOT "just politics" when all 14 of the defining characteristics are met. We are not talking about just passing some beneficial legislation here and there for your corporate donors and you know it Chad. We are talking allowing corporations to get away with things that just eight years ago NO ONE would even CONSIDER bringing to the table! This is ESPECIALLY true when labor's strengths have been gutted! No Chad, this is not "just politics" this is a very serious indicator that something is very desperately wrong with our government.
I could go on and refute the rest of your "arguments" (which are just more hyperbole, admit it) but the bottom line is we have a very big problem in Washington. And although the picture they are painting for you may just tickle your little conservative heart to no end, those people are about as much conservatives as you are a liberal. They are no more Conservative than I am! They are Theocrats. They are "Other". And their method of operation is Fascist.
That's the way it is. You can either believe it, or learn to goose step.
RICHARD! Sweety! I'm so happy to see you blessing my blog with your presence! Hey everybody! We have a real honest to God celeb here! Richard is the now world famous blogger who authors How This Old Brit Sees It that has been in the news in relationship with the Galloway stories!
Hehehehehehehe! Hi Richard! Seroiusly, Glad you like my take on it. These guys scare the livin' SHIT out of me!
Hey Nathan! Welcome Back!
I have Brazilian friends that are constantly AMAZED by our form of government! They also have offered us a home if the theocrats take over! Sao Palo does sound like a wonderful place to relocate to if it all goes south!
Hi Russ! Gods but am I glad you made it! Sometimes it's hard for women to get past that "ladies are always nice and polite" training. It's taken me YEARS to throw off as much of that yoke as I have! And do you know what I get called for speaking my mind? I'm sure you can guess. Suffice to say, it's good to have an outspoken male opinion here sometimes!
I'm a Vietnam vet. A volunteer of course. If I told you much more than that I'd have to kill you,... and myself... and anyone who reads this... and any one they know... gets ALL too messy! The point is, I really REALLY hate it when I hear some jingoistic little prig insinuate that just because I'm not a FAR FAR FAR Reich Wing Nut like they are that I'm not a patriot, I want to do them severe bodily harm!!! Being in the physical condition I am currently in I'm afraid I would do FAR more damage to my self I'm afraid! LOL! Still, what gives them the corner on patriotism?
Oh well, welcome to my little corner of cyber space and I hope you enjoy reading my take on things as much as I enjoy reading yours! And please, follow my links, you could do much worse with your time!
Chad, you have much a too inflated idea of your importance. Not every nasty remark some one makes is about you sweety! I was speaking in general to Russ and I certainly wasn't talking about you.I was actually referencing a certain poster on Russ' blog that I had run into earlier.
In any case, crying about how the nasty old woman in the wheel chair was nasty to you isn't productive. Especially since we've been putting up with verbal abuse from the right from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and those that came before him going clear back to 1966 when Jerry Falwell established the Moral Majority. It's only been the last 10 years that we've finally found our voice, but it doesn't matter who started it. What matters is that now that we are returning the verbal barrages the conservatives are crying foul! Well, too bad. I don't know how you managed to miss this in my writings, but I'm not a nice person. At least to people I don't like. I 'm not sure if I like you Chad. So I'll tell you what, I'll try to be nicer if you stop being so condescending, OK? You probably don't even don't realize you are doing it, but every time you do it it's like nails on a black board to me.
And actually Chad, I would very much like for us to have a discussion on abortion and other touch stone subjects, but this format is a bit clumsy for that the forum is a better structure. I just happen to have one all ready to go! It's appropriately enough named The 1/2 Kracked Kup Forum. I'll be sure to let all interested parties know about the debate there and I hope you will do the same if you agree. Also Chad you will be happy to know that one of the ground rules of the website in general is that all personal animosity be kept to an ABSOLUTE minimum or the owner of the forum service will shut it down in a heart beat! I ought to know, the owners are my wife and I and if I let ANYTHING get out of hand she will not only come in a calm thins down but I will NEVER hear the end of it!
So, are you ready for some football? er... debate?
How does the American Religious Reich impact the political landscape in the United States?Telkom University
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