Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Yet Another Blow For Justice OR Why I'm Proud To Be A Californian!

Yet Another Blow For Justice
Why I’m Proud To Be A Californian!

Today in a stunning upset (well upsetting and stunning, but only if you are a reactionary bigot) the Senate Judiciary Committee announced that Senate Constitutional Amendment 1, by Senator Bill Morrow (R-Oceanside) failed to pass with a 5-2 vote along with an earlier vote in the Assembly vote on Assembly Constitutional Amendment 3, by Assembly member Ray Haynes (R-Temecula) struck down with a 6-3 vote..? In a dramatic double failure today for Lou Sheldon (an outside agitator) and the Traditional Values Coalition (a known outside extremist group and the author and sponsor), both proposed anti-gay constitutional amendments went down in FLAMES!

Like there was much of a chance of either bill really getting approval. After all, it was but a short time ago that domestic partners here were given all the rights and responsibilities that the state can grant to married couples. It just didn’t seem too logical that they were going to turn around a short time later and say “Oops! Sorry about that folks! We know that 76% of you approved of our doing that but we just realized we made a HUGE mistake in giving all those gay families all those protections so we’re going to take them back now!” Nope... It just wasn’t going to happen. Can you really see all those politicos saying they were WRONG?

Of course, the bigots of the Traditional Values Coalition and their buddies at the Family Research Council who were bankrolling this Republican hate-fest dressed the whole schmoo up as “protecting both the traditional and gay family”. Now maybe it’s just me but, would someone PLEASE explain to me how taking away the protections that the children of gay domestic partners just acquired under the new legislation protects either straight OR gay families? Please... I just don’t see it. If it ONLY protects straight families I’d back it,... So someone PLEASE explain how it would protect them for US to lose our rights? Am I missing something here? I mean, is there a limited pool of rights and the more people share those rights the less they are worth? Is that it? Please! I’m SOOOOO confused!

But hey, that’s OK. In a few months California will be passing it’s own marriage equalization bill. After all, Prop. 22 just said that we could not recognize a gay marriage from out of state, not one conducted within our state! In any case, the California Supreme Court struck down Prop 22 along with all the other road blocks in our way. The people Of California have always been basically a decent, honest bunch. And when it comes right down to it, they have never stood for long for outsiders stirring the political pot here. Nope. We tend to settle our own hash in our own ways and the bottom line is Californianos are a fair minded people... And THAT’S why I’m proud to be a Californian!

That's my opinion and you are welcome to it.

Julie Johnson aka “The Great Spoon“


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